I've never dated or slept with a woman...

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No one is intrinsically doomed to be sexless, regardless of how you were born or what your upbringing was like. (Even if you have a genetic condition that makes ordinary sex impossible, such as being born without genitals or something, you are still capable of some degree of intimacy).

I don't know precisely what your dad and possibly the rest of your family did to you, but I imagine it was quite severe and its understandable why it would make living a normal life difficult. Much as I try to avoid victim blaming, I do, however, think there comes a point where one has to take a degree of ownership over their trauma and make a concerted effort to heal themselves.

Even if you lucked into having a actual human for a therapist instead of a monster, they wouldn't have been able to do anything for you if you just passively sat there. You need to put in some personal effort to change your life as well and that means that, yeah, you might need to force yourself to disregard the little voice in your head and actually get out there in the world. A therapist is a supplement, not a panacea. Moving to a city might well be the kick up the arse you desperately need.

Usually, when an incel pops up, I find myself being incredibly harsh to them. Partly this is because almost every other poster is nothing but kind and validating to them; giving genuinly sound advice in the gentlest of manners possible. And almost none of it seems to have any real effect at all. So, there's a vain hope that bluntly pointing out how living a life like this is neither normal nor justified might inspire change where the decency of others failed, but mostly its sheer frustration.

I don't know the details, but judging by how the other posters are talking about it, your particular trauma probably entitles you to more patience than most. All the same, though, we're three pages in when I first started typing this and the self pity is starting to get a bit nauseating. You are acapable of having a healthy love/sex life as anyone else. You're just refusing to properly try.
One can not help but imagine Microsoft as being ran by a thousand Homer Simpsons. -Obturator