I've never dated or slept with a woman...

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SecretBase posted...
I'm unsure about that. While only some men I know aren't intimately assertive, almost no women I know are. Or at least, they aren't in the initial stages of dating. Expectations for mastery of this skill seem to differ.
Yeah, I'll concede that gender expectations are different. But even if they prefer to not use it for intimacy, most well adjusted women are capable of being assertive in other areas of their life. The men who aren't being assertive in their love lives usually aren't being particularly assertive in general, either. Which is why a lot (though not all) of sexless individuals often aren't having a great time in other facets of their life, either.

All that said, I was primarily talking about how most men learn how to be appropriately assertive, even if their natural personality is more laid back.
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