I've never dated or slept with a woman...

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MisterPengy posted...
Koga, after reading this topic I have two pieces of advice.

1) See a therapist. A real one, not some dude who was practicing psychiatry in the fucking 60s. Therapy is not really a cure, but they can give you the tools you need to improve, or learn how to handle your hang-ups.

2) Just meet people. I know that's not an easy thing, but you don't get better at stuff by not practicing. Don't go at it with the goal of getting into a relationship, just meet people. Talk to people. Hang out with people. You don't have to be the life of the party, just get some solid experience with other people in a safe environment. When I went to college I had such bad social anxiety I literally didn't leave my dorm room for a solid week, except to walk 20 feet down the hall to microwave food. And it took me 10 minutes to pysch myself up for that. I still have social anxiety, but the only thing that made me able to deal with it was being social.

I guess, also, 3) Move some where that allows you to do both of the above. You don't necessarily have to live in a big city. If you can drive, at least live near a place that has stuff going on. And if your family is making you feel bad about yourself, get the fuck away from them.

This is all solid advice.