Is a Trump second term becoming more likely? Is this more widespread?

Current Events

baachus posted...

probably not gonna turn, but their blind eye certainly shows that the left can be as blind as the right.

I think you guys are underestimating peoples ability to just stay home, which means down ballot dems get hurt too.

Few want to take this serious but a sizable number of people truly won't vote for someone who they view as committing/contributing to genocide. And what's done is done, too many kids have dies on Uncle Joe's watch to weapons stamped with the US logo for Joe to get my vote. Again my state has been red since 2016, or maybe even 2012, so my vote doesn't matter, I was just checking how shared our views were.

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If it was about babies we'd have universal maternal care. There would be no charge no matter how complex the delivery. But its not about babies, is it?