How is Marvel Midnight Suns?

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Current Events » How is Marvel Midnight Suns?
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It's pretty great tbh. The turn/card/strategy combat is excellent, but running around the grounds between missions is also very weirdly satisfying. One of the very, very few games where I've actually purchased the additional characters.
five, five, five, jack -five nobs
FWIW I'm not a huge Marvel nut, either. Like, I enjoy Marvel on an MCU basis but never really cared enough to dive too deep into comics and lore and whatnot. It's just a really fun game that happens to be Marvel.
five, five, five, jack -five nobs
A lot better than it gets credit for. It kinda got swept under the rug.

It's not a masterpiece by any means but it's good and pretty damn fun.
Thanks I bought the ultimate edition
Rika_Furude posted...
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WingsOfGood posted...
Current Events » How is Marvel Midnight Suns?