Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.

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CountCorvinus posted...
Adam Shit donated millions to help the republican win. The "game" fucking sucks. Instead of playing a game, maybe the so-called "Democratic Party", could I dunno.. try being democratic?

And you think the Republican voters who turned out were Katie Porter voters who got flipped to conservative? Get real. While I agree it's kinda dirty, that's what politics is, and it's no different from when Dems donated money to Todd Akin to help him win his primary to be an easier opponent in November, which was a celebrated tactic at the time.
Katie could've done a better job turning out this supposed "progressive vote" that seems to have trouble proving itself to exist, and it wouldn't have mattered. Him propping up a R should've been amazing campaign fodder for her to drive the vote, too.
Schiff wanted the R in 2nd place so he'd have an easy general election, it didn't help him win the primary. If anything, as the most moderate of the 3 Dems, he sacrificed some of his own potential votes now b/c he figured he had a better chance w/ Lee splitting the vote now than 1 v 1 w/ Katie later. I don't know how anyone can think it helped him in the primary, it was to push his toughest rival out of 2nd place.

With the benefit of hindsight, it looks like Schiff didn't even need to worry about Porter, he had such a wide lead over her in the 4-way, it was probably in the bag for a 1 v 1 considering the vast majority of the R votes would either not vote at all or vote for him over her.

Both of them running for the seat was always a colossal fuck up, I didn't know the ramifications. She should've kept holding her House seat that to her credit she guarded quite well in a very tough district. I guess now the best thing for her to do is to campaign for her Dem replacement hopeful and then look for a new spot to run next time, like governor or something.