Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.

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legendary_zell posted...
This is completely ahistorical. As I already explained, defund does not mean reform, it's the abandonment of reform. You are trying to equate them because the concept of defunding or abolishing the police does not compute to you. But they meant defund or abolish not "fix" and they said so.
You are only piling onto my point here.....

Never the cluster circus of everyone not even agrees on the meaning of the slogan. We dont even need to debate what the slogan was really supposed to mean depending on who you asked. The fact that its a fucking circus to those that genuinely support fixing the police what that slogan means is exactly why its a horrible slogan. You can twist into a pretzel as much as you want to defend it. Not everyone was on the same page about your beloved slogan who genuinely supported fixing the police. Being deep with it is not helping. Having to debate or explain your deeper meaning of a slogan is counterintuitive to actually addressing the real issue which is your supposed deep meaning.

Lastly, I didn't say people didn't twist BLM. Read the post. I said twisting it made way less sense compared to Defund and abolish the police. Defund and abolish have actual definitions. They don't mean the deep meanings you want the slogan to mean. Especially during a time when crime was a hot topic. "Defund/abolish the police" while a flash theft was perceived to be a hot issue is just dumb.