Katie porter is getting dog piled on twitter.

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Doom_Art posted...
Get back out there and persuade people if liberals aren't doing enough then?

Like the left needs to stop acting like it's going to be handed the keys to the kingdom just cause they shout a bad slogan loudly enough.
Oh, absolutely. I think one of the biggest problems we face as a society is bad messaging. Bad slogans are really what lie at the heart of injustice. We always just let the left do whatever it wants, they have such a stranglehold over every level of government and the judiciary, it's crazy! They really are to blame for all this.

You know how I know that? They have bad slogans. Not good ones, like ours. When we say "Make America Great Again," you know exactly what we mean. We want to make the country America great again, like it used to be . Very clear, everyone understands exactly what we mean. Let's go Brandon.

But when I hear a leftist say "defund the police," who could possibly know what they mean by that? It's so vague. The word "defund" means almost 2 different things, and it can definitely only mean one of them at a time. But which one? How are we supposed to know? So unclear. The slogan doesn't even clarify their positions on this issue. That's what slogans are for, don't they know that?

Besides, you shouldn't talk about police reform at all. It might make them angry, and we all know how they get when they're angry.
The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth, it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. Ecclesiastes