Where do you guys think me and this girl stand?

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Current Events » Where do you guys think me and this girl stand?
Post #351 was unavailable or deleted.
Have you offered to take her to go see Dune Part Two?

Kung Fu Panda 4 is also in theaters.
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Lol this whole thing is going in a circle now. Now people who haven't read the thread are giving new advice not based on all the info prior.

I feel like you KNOW what you're ultimately going to do. Most of us think you should move on. If you really wanna take a shot at a date go for it. But if she ignores you it will only upset you again. TBH I don't see there being anything to lose while asking. She ghosts you for 8 days and then responds only to ghost you again. In that case she just fully looks like a jerk and no one can say you didn't try.
She is clearly not as into you as you are to her, by a long shot.

Dont send anything. If she wants something from you, shell text you.

Continuing to text someone is just sad.
Win, lose, or tie Oakland Raiders til I die! WHY'S THE RUM GONE!
S.M.O.K.E my anti sXe
Take her to Dune 2 and get the popcorn bucket lid to show her how serious you are

yeah my brother said the more he thought about it the more it psisses him off for me. he said never reach out put her on the shelf.

he said it just super weird to him how fast it happened based on everything he knows and also the texts

he said for my sake of cllarity to send the hey x been thnign last couple weeks and jsut wanted to let you know i liked you more and waned more tha just a casual friend and if thast not what youre looking for that is okay just sorry if I came across too strong or whatever

he worded it way way better but yeah he said teh asking her out to eat and drink next week is dogshit

but i think hes saying that becuase he keeps saying im not and never was emotionally comprised and not emotiona enoghto handle somethign casual with her with everything he knows
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thank you for posting last few days and youve been honest with the situation.

do you liek my post or what my brother said? most my inner circle is saying just to move on but thats becuase they thnk im having this theard ofhope and whatnot and they prolly think i cant handle the emotions that come with so having closure is good
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...

thank you for posting last few days and youve been honest with the situation.

do you liek my post or what my brother said? most my inner circle is saying just to move on but thats becuase they thnk im having this theard ofhope and whatnot and they prolly think i cant handle the emotions that come with so having closure is good

I feel like you know what you're going to do.

Advice aside.

Ask yourself. Do you think you can live without attempting things further? If the answer is no. Ask her out. Even though it doesn't seem like it will work out. If she ghosts you again you're going to have to just drop it or risk getting a reputation.

At this point your wheels are spinning. There isn't a whole lot speculation is going to do for you at this point. Shes either going to ghost you again, say yes, or lead you on. Given she ghosted you for 8 days I don't see her saying yes unless it's to lead you on.
you like my asking out idea or what my brother said about throwing that this is what i was looking for
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...

that's how my close circle interpreted that because it was silence for a week then I said hey x how are you want ot let you know I've been thinking about you

Make no mistake, there will come a point probably in the next week or two or month, she'll absolutely contact you again. It doesn't mean anything. She has lost all interest in you as a romantic partner.
JimmyFraska posted...
Make no mistake, there will come a point probably in the next week or two or month, she'll absolutely contact you again. It doesn't mean anything. She has lost all interest in you as a romantic partner.

I dont think she will its not really how she is but if she does. Wouldve been really cool.

i think her reaching out would mean something tbh if it ever did even tho the % is low low low
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
Yeah I talked to my brother more he confesses the more he thinks about it its over for sure but he still thoguht it was weird how it just switched off due to in person I should hav picked things up but it was normal.

milk send that text on Sunday even tho everyone here and circle says not to but if she ghosts then that will hurt but if she responds itll be her busy csnt but then Ill text the hey want to know what happened or whatever my brother worded it

squaresoft NEVER FORGET
I don't have the time to read the entire topic but if she isn't reaching out to you, then she probably isn't interested.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song - https://youtu.be/-PXIbVNfj3s
just want to know what went wrong or where it started, i think it happened day after valtines day whe she thanked me for my flowers via ext 2 hours later after she went home. I think thats when should have picked up on it since next day she said she had a lot on her mind

we did hang out one more time after that
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
you guys took her last message as a f off politely right? especialy with the week to respond back
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...
just want to know what went wrong or where it started, i think it happened day after valtines day whe she thanked me for my flowers via ext 2 hours later after she went home. I think thats when should have picked up on it since next day she said she had a lot on her mind

we did hang out one more time after that
Who knows? Only her and I wouldn't bother trying to get answers.

Your best move is to move on. Don't obsess.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song - https://youtu.be/-PXIbVNfj3s
slowly and surely Im getting there was trying to talk to other girls but man I just dont she same feeling and just feel meh

still want to send another text to her but you all and my circle says just let it go atleast for awhile.

im just in denial slightly or just in tay csnt believ its over over
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...
still want to send another text to her

She isn't waiting by her phone anxiously just begging you to reply. That is a scenario to imagine being played out in manga or anime. Where she looks sad because you didn't chase her continously.

You should delete her number and her messages, and even her contact details/remove as a friend on social media. Not block her, but move on as an acquaintance who you once knew.

In a few days you might post here again because you've just been thinking could send a small probe message,
"hey how r u havent heard in a while was hoping ur doing good checking if u wanted to chill for easter, go get some eggs and hang out, no biggie, you're probably busy, don't worry if you cant, hope u see this msg, maybe i should post a letter through ur door if ur so ill lol j/k ne ways just been thinking about life n u popped into my mind so just seeing if u wanted to do something i culd give u a present like easter bunny lol unless ur lactose intolerant haha but i guess i could get soya milk egg just let me know ne ways ok speak 2 u soon or text 2 u soon lmao funny that we dont say that language is weird sometimes im talking too much again im such a klutz lol ok take care u hope ur doing well and successful n if u ever want to talk then just let me know im always here for you ill never ghost u promise ok right i gotta get 2 work now make dat bread haha even tho i dont actually work in a bakery my jokes r bad do u kno ne good ones if so save them 4 wen we meet if ur free sometime if not thats ok im just worried abt u just a bad feeling prob nothing but u kno how it is wen it comes to those u love lol ok chill and peace out"
Needed: New Pokemon Puzzle League, Shining Force and Left 4 Dead....
It's joever
You really gotta stop asking what we think of your texts and just figure it out.
Confirmed unbiased
MarcoRubio posted...
You really gotta stop asking what we think of your texts and just figure it out.
This, but also you've been told multiple times to let her go, so just let it go
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
ryudo500 posted...
just want to know what went wrong or where it started, i think it happened day after valtines day whe she thanked me for my flowers via ext 2 hours later after she went home. I think thats when should have picked up on it since next day she said she had a lot on her mind
SunWuKung420 posted...
Who knows? Only her and I wouldn't bother trying to get answers.

Your best move is to move on. Don't obsess.
Who knows?! We all do because TC posted numerous things he did wrong. He needs to look back and understand properly because he will otherwise be doomed to keep making the same mistakes.

TC, that Valentines thing you're bringing up. That is not where it went wrong, you were already out. That was it already at the edge of the cliff.

What went wrong? Did you not read my message before.

You had essentially no dates. You show up during HER work week late at night after she is exhausted from work. You rushed into sex, you're sleeping over and texting her any chance you get, there is no sense of challenge or mystery with you, there is nothing to keep her curious (interested). You text (and probably talk to) her like a girl instead of a man. You have her watching a totally dark dude show during your hangouts instead of something fun.

You shouldn't be having her sacrifice HER work nights to see you, you should be sacrificing YOUR work nights and mornings on the weekends. But not to go over to her house to try and drain her emotionally and have sex with her, but to take her on DATES during her weekend. Show her something FUN. You had no dates for 3 months and now you're scratching your head wondering where it went wrong.

This one is over. But you can do better with another girl. This girl, never text her again.

Edit: TC, just fyi, I made many of the same mistakes in my early 20s. I'm not trying to rag on you but to help you. Over time, these things will become obvious, you won't have to wonder what you did wrong or right.

Hey there Im so sorry I didnt get back to you, it was a crazy busy week and weekend. I was so tired I crashed as soon as I got home from work each day. I hope you have a good week!

that was her last message. i sent a text on tuesday nothing, then remember on Friday I sent a hey x how are you? hope all is well, want to let you know im thinking about you


I hear what you are saying. however, we went on one date, our schedules dont match up like I said 3-4x already, she's off on weekends I work all day on weekends, she also sometimes works in am at a side gig before her 4 o clock pm shifts. so she wasnt keen on lunches, she really wasnt. also for the sex part, i dont want to get too into it but we bsialy after 15 meetrs only had sex twice and it was early on, yes i think she enjoyed it wont go into details butthe last month or 5-6 hangouts when I slept over it wasnt that sexual and that was totally my fault. it was just lots of makign out then cuddles and sleep since we were up late but that is totally my fault. sometimes she would just lay in bed with work clothes tired falling sleep after an hour

again it was a huge regret of mine not being more "aggressive" with her but the more I thikn abotu it tthe more I think this reason was a big factor eventho my circle thinks its weird we didnt sleep with each other more often but it wasnt a factor at all and if it was, a minor one, but they might be trying to make me feel better
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
coolpal23 posted...
This, but also you've been told multiple times to let her go, so just let it go
I know its the sane thing to do but I got 1-2 more texts I just want to know what happened really or something i did or said
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...
I know its the sane thing to do but I got 1-2 more texts I just want to know what happened really or something i did or said

bruh you did not listen to me at all.
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.
i think what you said is good. I just want to know wrf happened

I thought about calling her Sunday night instead of texting . Asking her to a drink or eat is dumb everyone is saying that but idk I just want to send that or what you said or just a did I do something wrong?? What the fuck happened

i just want to know what the fuck happened I even tried talking to some girls some reached out to ME to hang from an app(early happens) I can sense this one is into me and shes got cool interests. I thoguht this would help me but it hasnt but I cant shake this off at all
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hey x whats going on? I havent been able to talk to you much lately

fuck it Im gonna send that on Sunday. Ill get my closure then
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...
hey x whats going on? I havent been able to talk to you much lately

fuck it Im gonna send that on Sunday. Ill get my closure then
Dude you've been told multiple times not to

Stop it, don't send that
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
TC bout to get that "Hey how ya been text"
And run w it lol
FFBE friend ID 958,168,629 Rank 156

why not?? Its over its over but at least this gives some clarity,

you have ALLL seen the texts last two weeks or 3 we talked every day for 3 months ine two texts a day I get it. But still. We hung out the last time I saw her everything was normal.

i think that text just sums it up and would sum up this topic. She will say in a great guy but busy or some blow off like that or just say something specific maybe I came across too strong which Im sorry for
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
Post #381 was unavailable or deleted.
What a shitshow.

Give up, move on. Try not to be a complete wreck with the next girl.
One can not help but imagine Microsoft as being ran by a thousand Homer Simpsons. -Obturator
let TC cook. i wanna see where this goes

reslly appreciate your feedback thank you

i am still trying to get over it with time I will and ofc not texting is the best, you and others have said and so hve my close circle

do you think what I sent is a really bad message tho? If anything it comes off as a little desperate but I think thats better than just saying hey how are you do you want to grabs. Bite to eat or a drink

or I felt its better than what did I do wrong?

I think its like a soft text just probing no?
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
I know its weird but shes not the type to text back even if interested imo altho Thats not how it works even early on when she was DEF into me she wouldnt double text until one the time she was sick
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
So you guys think

hey c whats going on? I havent been able to talk to you much lately

or hey x whats up? Followed by rest Maybe that would be better

either way I dont think its that bad of a txt no?
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
Who cares at this point
Currently playing: Super Mario Bros Wonder
bsp77 posted...
Who cares at this point

what do you mean by that
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
ryudo500 posted...
what do you mean by that
It's over and you keep asking for the same advice over and over again. Just stop.

If she cared, she would have responded positively when you talked about doing something
Currently playing: Super Mario Bros Wonder
bsp77 posted...
It's over and you keep asking for the same advice over and over again. Just stop.

If she cared, she would have responded positively when you talked about doing something
If she cared at all, she'd initiate contact in the first place, and this sounds incredibly one sided

All of us are telling you to stop tc, so stop
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
I just want closure I know itachi has said repeatedly ill never know so has my brother and some of you but fuck you read the texts how does it just nosedive that hard without me knowing or seeing it in person, yoall would agree i wouldn have seen it in person first
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
Theres no magic answer. There does not have to be a reason, or something you did or couldve done different to invalidate her feelings now.

You had a real casual fling and it has run the course.

At a certain point you need to accept and respect her feelings and wishes, instead of trying to search for something to do different. Dont be obsessing about only your personal desires and outcomes to the exclusion of her own.

Do not beg her to call you a loser, stop trying to paint her actions as super weird for not texting you back, and stop trying to spin some narrative that actually shes saying fuck you when she wishes you well.

Its time to move on. You cannot force this to happen. Let go.

Talk to a psychologist.
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Post #393 was unavailable or deleted.
Where did it all go wrong? Your incessant anxiety might be a clue. I don't think this is much of a mystery. Ghosting ain't fun, but you're the majority of the problem here.
One can not help but imagine Microsoft as being ran by a thousand Homer Simpsons. -Obturator

I agree I understand what both of you are saying I get it. at this point it is selfish of me maybe egotistical?

it is pathetic of me to keep lingering adn thinking about this especially since we weren't really anything like that I know its pathetic of me I know trust me

but it still hurts, I dont know how to deal with it well call me emotionally stunted, child whatever

like this week there were 3 girls off apps that really were into me 2 wand me to come over at night and whatnot the other says she would like to hangout and that im all hers whenever i wanted to hang but its the same story most of my lie I dont really feel attraction to them and I don really feel anything inside I dont even want to have physical intentions I just keep thinking about the girl

but like, it makes me feel so so so worse because all I want to be with is this girl just to cuddle or just sit down and hear about her day, hear about how her hands are rough and blistering, hear her talk about work, talk about shows and whatnot and what have you i don't care it just fucking sucks i get you all say grow up everyone deals with this. stop being egotistical or whatever and all of you re correct.

it just really fucking sucks. I am doing better than a week ago. I know I am. you all are correct everyone is saying its over and move on. just move on and never look back and I will. I will prolly send that last text and then just move on forever I wont reach back out to her unless needed and ust move on with my life, time will heal i assume but fuck it just fucking sucks
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
i might be misrembering, but were ronex topics similar to this? where he'd ask for girl advice constantly, wouldn't follow it, then make a similar topic again in a few weeks?
splodeymissile posted...
Where did it all go wrong? Your incessant anxiety might be a clue. I don't think this is much of a mystery. Ghosting ain't fun, but you're the majority of the problem here.
im not sure thats the case when we were toother I was pretty chill and relaxed maybe too stoic even at times i think

she went from txting me to loving the valentine's day flowers hours after we said goodbye day after valentines day to this

also literally 5 weeks ago which is a ot of time went from i dont care what we watch as long as its with you kissing emoji to this

the poster above said its run its course hes right but I just have so many regrets like I said apage or two ago
squaresoft NEVER FORGET
Post #398 was unavailable or deleted.
I'm not positive but repeating these same posts isn't helping you. Hurt takes time to go away no matter how much you keep posting about it here. No one here can give you any more advice than they already have.
Time to get to gettin
Why regret it? You had some fun, it ended, move on. Your obsession and anxiety probably came across somewhat in person and the way you're acting in this topic does you no favours.

I'm pretty much convinced that you're primarily (if not exclusively) at fault here, but even if you're not, why continue this nonsense? It ended, move on and if possible learn from it.
One can not help but imagine Microsoft as being ran by a thousand Homer Simpsons. -Obturator
Current Events » Where do you guys think me and this girl stand?
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