Withdrawals won't go away even though I'm back on the med

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Current Events » Withdrawals won't go away even though I'm back on the med

Am I just stuck like this permanently? It's better but some shit is still here
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Withdrawals of any kind suck. How long has it been, and what substance(s) are you getting off of?
Thanks for reading!
CRON posted...
Withdrawals of any kind suck. How long has it been, and what substance(s) are you getting off of?
I am on buprenorpherin. My doc told me I could go up on my dosage, which I did, by 25%. He said I'd be able to get it right away due to being rx'ed a higher dosage last week. Well, pharmacy wouldn't fill it that early and filled it a couple days early based on the last Rx fill date. So I went a week taking 40-50% of what I was supposed to be taking..and I felt withdrawals hard during that time

Now I've been on the correct dosage 2 days but some of the symptoms are still present like dizziness, not feeling connected to my body, and air headedness

Also I had to drive 3 hours to get it
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Smackems posted...

Also I had to drive 3 hours to get it

While feeling

Smackems posted...
dizziness, not feeling connected to my body, and air headedness

to get the stuff to stop that stuff



evening main 2.4356848e+91
Guide posted...
While feeling

to get the stuff to stop that stuff



Well my gf drove me so I lied

Didn't mean to lie. I rode 3 hours to get it

The new place I live won't rx it or refill it without having to jump through a million hoops
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Smackems posted...
Well my gf drove me so I lied

Didn't mean to lie. I rode 3 hours to get it

The new place I live won't rx it or refill it without having to jump through a million hoops

That's far less bad, poser

nah, my perspective may be warped as a city boy, but a 3 hour drive for anything short of an awful family vacation seems wrong.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
I think it's starting to get better
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Withdrawal is nasty at times and pending how long you been on it. It sounds like you are on a high dose, hopefully you get feeling better

I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
texanfan27 posted...
Withdrawal is nasty at times and pending how long you been on it. It sounds like you are on a high dose, hopefully you get feeling better
Bout 10 mg a day

That's one 8mg and a quarter of another
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Considering that based on reading you can go up to around 20 mg a day on that. Yeah thats a bit high, but as long as its helping you, thats what matters.
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
When I was an actual opioid addict and couldn't get pills I'd take like four of these things hoping they'd do something

They did not
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
One last bump

Idk why
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Post #14 was unavailable or deleted.
Hypnospace posted...
How long have the withdrawals been happening
I went through about a week of them. After being on the meds correctly for about 3 days, I'm mostly back to normal now

It's a long acting medication and I think I just needed it back in my system for a while
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Post #16 was unavailable or deleted.
Hypnospace posted...
Dang, a week

The dizziness and lightheadedness are pretty common tho. Figured they would go away after three days but I haven't been on any high dosages yet
It made me feel like I was gonna lose control the one time I ran completely out and was on a higher dose..so I was able to get a taste of how people going through the hard withdrawals get belligerent or violent

That time I ran out I was in a Walgreens getting the medication filled when I started losing control and the pharmacist put me behind a screen so I could go ahead and take one. And 10 minutes later I was 100% fine like nothing was ever wrong
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Current Events » Withdrawals won't go away even though I'm back on the med