Trump Campaign In Panic Mode After He Calls For Cutting Social Security

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shockthemonkey posted...
This is why people dont need to freak out about Bidens re-election right now. He hasnt even started campaigning, he hasnt started hammering home who his opponent is and what that means. Trump has no policy wins and hes an insane incoherent mess of a person.
People already know who Trump is.
And they're still willing to vote for him in droves.
So yeah, we should be freaking out.

el_cheato posted...
isn't the amount spent on preventing medicare/social security fraud already several order of magnitude greater than the amount being defrauded?
I don't know about that. Rick Scott defrauded Medicare for like a billion dollars all on his own.
But don't worry, he was punished severely for this with two terms as Governor and then flipping a Senate seat red :(

Were_Wyrm posted...
Hell, I know people that will vote for him because of this. Some of them on SS and Medicare, because you see their benefits won't get cut because they earned them, it's the "freeloaders" that will lose their benefits.
Ironically, if anyone deserves to have their SS benefits cut, it's his boomer voting base. They're the ones that destroyed the system, and they're set to be the only generation that doesn't face consequences for it.