Trump Campaign In Panic Mode After He Calls For Cutting Social Security

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shockthemonkey posted...
This is why people dont need to freak out about Bidens re-election right now. He hasnt even started campaigning, he hasnt started hammering home who his opponent is and what that means. Trump has no policy wins and hes an insane incoherent mess of a person.

This. I shake my head when people panic about the polls right now. Obviously a second Trump term would be a disaster. But as campaign season ramps up, Trump is going to continue to say moronic, divisive things and remind people why they dont want him.

His ridiculous cult is going to vote for him. No one else will. He will get more votes than he should, but without a change before November it wont be enough for him to ooze his way back into the Oval Office.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.