What did you dream about last night CE?

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i did have another dream from the short nap I took (1 pm to 3 pm) today

I was in a grassy field with a group of people sometime in the evening. A bunch of fictional aircraft were flying in the sky. They were getting pretty close to the ground at some points and performing maneuvers that seemed impossible for a normal human to withstand (high g-forces). So we thought they were just drones and found out there were living beings piloting the craft through thermal goggles. One of the pilots crashed his plane and out came a humanoid figure kitted in some type of heavy armour out of the ruins. We felt immediate danger so some members in the group started firing guns at it. Though it took them all without a scratch. I woke up when it started attacking us lol.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)