What did you dream about last night CE?

Current Events

My dream's events are all jumbled:

  • Alaska - i said it was the perfect place for a kid to grow up (never been there irl). It was an island in my dream (like gta style island). Watched a live feed of aircraft traveling over there. Noticed some planes were turning back or disappearing.

  • School -
wandered around the halls.

Three of the staff members were people from my elementary school. I told my mom about this and she was happy to hear it.

Tried a few of the water fountains. Had to stand on my tippy toes for some of them. They all tasted off and I felt like throwing up.

Francis ngannou was a student and he was giving people hugs including me.

Played with laser pointers outside. I had one with a switch to turn it red or green. Someone in my group had a very bright green laser pointer. I was jealous.

Watched some students perform magic on some trees on the school ground. Changing the shape of their leaves and branches but idr to what.

I visited the auditorium with some people which was a long walk away from the main building. Some cops came over and said we gotta leave and go back to our dorms. People in my group teleported to their dorms and I knew how to do that too somehow.

Talking on the phone with a teacher. Hard to hear. Said she wanted me to relay a message to another student. Had me use a voice changer over the phone???

  • At home [fictional home]
One of my friends from 2010-2015 period visited me since his car broke down. Tire blew out.
He found me boring and wanted to leave.

I was playing a videogame. A fantasy genre one I think. It ran like shit on my pc.

  • Store (like target or Walmart or bestbuy)
i Was looking for a new gpu but couldn't find one.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop. He/Him