What did you dream about last night CE?

Current Events

Finally remember one that is a perfect example of how weird my dreams are.

I was a teenager again or at least partially in the dream and partially aware that I'm not. I was about to sleep on the floor next to a mattress at some house party. There was some rocker girl there named "Shannon". None of this makes absolutely any sense related to my life.

Some guy who couldn't be older than 25 comes in saying he's the father and everyone needs to GTFO. At this point, I become partially aware I just turned 18 and everyone there is 17 and that makes me nervous? IRL I am well into adulthood. Dreams are so GD weird in their COMPLETE randomness.

I try to get out of there unnoticed but not before I find a note I wrote to myself and the rocker girl inside of a jar of salsa next to a mattress.
