You guys here who have been spent time single and in relationships...

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UT1999 posted...
you guys in bad relationship why didn't you just very quickly break it off?

So different degrees of bad can make it easier or harder to break off. And ironically the worst relationships, the ones where a partner is abusive physically or emotionally, are usually the hardest to break off of.

Like, a bad relationship can be as simple as the two people not really connecting. Some people may try to stick it out to see if that connection forms, but the relationship I had where this happened I just flat out said This isnt working and that was more or less the end of it. I wasnt really in a spot where I felt like I could bridge the gap, and so breaking it off wasnt particularly difficult on my end. Cant speak for her of course, nor would I presume to.

On the opposite side, I was in a long-distance relationship for just under two years that was abusive. You would think being an LDR would make it easier, but no, not when your phone is constantly exploding with messages from your partner freaking out because youre not spending every minute of your free time with her. I was isolated from my friends because she was paranoid they were going to set me up with someone else, and at the time it was easier to give in to her demands than deal with the fallout of her being upset I wasnt talking to her. I was even told the relationship didnt look healthy by friends and family, but I was young and dumb and figured they were overreacting. It only ended because at one point I lost my temper, and she broke it off with me as a result. Thank the gods.