Boutta eat my first HRT (AMA)

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hockeybabe89 posted...
Should I try again to convince my family I'm doing the right thing, or just let them cope however they feel they need to?

I'll be taking my first pills within the next 2-3 weeks.
Damn I dunno.... That's a hard one unfortunately. I'm not sure how I'm going to go about doing that or how people would react (probably not positively) so I wouldn't want to steer you the "wrong" way. Maybe it would be easier for them to understand if you waited a bit after starting your pills?

Harpie posted...

Woah dang, that's awesome! And it checks out you've always given off fruity vibes
What was the catalyst for you deciding you wanted to take Fem&ms?

LOL really?? Maybe that's why you were so comfortable around me lmao

I've had 2 people already say they've felt womany vibes from me like before I ever said anything so that's great :D

Well my local gender clinic does same day appointments and I happened to just.... Be able to get some that day, so it all happened pretty fast. I'd say initially though, just being able to go to cons and see other people with genders helped a lot.

Bass posted...
Congrats, TC!
Thanks BASS MASTER 3000

Crimsoness posted... >.>
It's ok lmao it was funny

TeaMilk posted...