Why does The Godfather logo have a puppeteer handle and string?

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Current Events » Why does The Godfather logo have a puppeteer handle and string?
Only just noticed that's what it is.

I'll admit it's been 10+ years since I saw The Godfather but I don't recall anyone being a "puppet" of Vito. And his methods were bribery, coercive and intimidation.
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Because he pulls the strings.
Without truth, there is nothing.
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Symbolizes power and control the Godfather has.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
The Godfather is in charge. He pulls the strings. He doesn't do dirty work. His people do.
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
IAmTheNakedMan posted...
methods were bribery, coercive and intimidation.


Those are called strings.
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Because originally Don Corleone wanted to be a puppeteer. Didn't work out so well his first big show with his hand up Clemenza's tuchus. But despite the turns their lives took after night, neither man ever forgot that magical night...
Pull the strings!
"I'm not a very nostalgic person, I neither have regrets nor occasions for self-congratulations." - Leonard Cohen
the godfather is actually a very loose adaptation of pinocchio
just another freak in the freak kingdom
The characters you see in the movies are actually hyperrealistic-looking puppets.
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
Freddie_Mercury posted...
the godfather is actually a very loose adaptation of pinocchio

Remember the part where Sonny becomes a real boy?
I am that Naruto crap.
I'd say Luca Brasi is his puppet in a way.
Started from the bottom now we here
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It's the most obvious symbolism in the history of symbolism. I think TC is yanking everybody's chain here.

In the Offer show on P+ about the development of the film, they showed a poster that was laugh out loud funny, that made it look like a rock album cover with all the main characters standing side by side.

Aressar posted...
The characters you see in the movies are actually hyperrealistic-looking puppets.
Uh, umm autoerotica?
........the ghost in the machine...
IGN: Fox, FC: 5344-2646-0982
the_real_Naruto posted...

Remember the part where Sonny becomes a real boy?

"Look what they done to my real boy..."

So this topic lead me to a Godfather content binge and I've found this deleted scene where Genco specifically asking for the Godfather to "pull some strings".

A possible explanation right?
Started from the bottom now we here
Because Sonny Corleone wasn't actually human. He was a puppet that was hand-crafted by Vito and which was brought to life by the Blue Fairy to be his son (as payment for a favor she owed him), but as per the laws of La Cosa Nostra , he would not be allowed to take his father's place as head of the family until he became a real boy. Unfortunately, Barzini had him killed before he could achieve that, and the Fairy had asked only two favors of the Don in her life (the second of which had already been called in, when Fredo pestered his father to have her bring a banana daquiri to life), so Vito couldn't call on her again to bring Sonny back.
LincolnDuncan posted...
Pull the strings!

Pull dee stringks!
Aren't we all just a series of tubes?
i dont feel like its very subtle imagery op
Looks like this gamer's paradise has turned into a gamer's hell...............................................
Watching the movie right now. The last scene with Michael and Vito discussing what will happen when he passes. Vito talks about refusing to be on a string for those that hold power, that he wanted Michael to live a different life and be the one holding the strings.
TC, look up, you have some strings attached to you.
Trying to burn the bridges to a culture that taught us to hate and fear and live like cogs in a machine and not like lovers, friends, and kin.
ClayGuida posted...
In the Offer show on P+ about the development of the film, they showed a poster that was laugh out loud funny, that made it look like a rock album cover with all the main characters standing side by side.


I wonder if the series talks about Coppola freaking out after reading about the novel's obsession with Sonny's big dick.
Geppetto he was a made man you rat fuck!
Current Events » Why does The Godfather logo have a puppeteer handle and string?