How do you cook rice that isn't overcooked or sticky?

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Current Events » How do you cook rice that isn't overcooked or sticky?
Ive never been able to perfect it. Even my new rice cooker gives me sticky rice when I follow the instruction to the letter. What gives?? Tell me the secret yall plz

The rice was tasty, yes, but it shouldnt be sticky and my bf doesnt like sticky rice. I did rinse it before cooking too
"Every last inch of me's covered in hair!"
Make sure you rinse it enough. Water should run clear.

If it's still sticky, you are overcooking it.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Rinse the rice thoroughly and I usually put a little more water than required and it comes out nice and tender without being sticky.

automatic rice cookers should make it impossible to overcook it so its probably the amount of water you're putting in. Then again, I guess it depends on what kind of rice? I don't know the differences. In Louisiana, we use medium grain white rice.
I am that Naruto crap.
Recently I did 2 parts water to 1 part rice. Too soggy. The next time I did 1 part water to 2/3 part rice and it was good.
Isn't rice supposed to be sticky. Or else you can't pick it up with chopsticks
Rice is supposed to be just a bit sticky when cooked right
So much A R T
Add some butter while cooking it.
Rinse it until the water runs clear.

Then use a rice cooker with fuzzy logic.
Use the finger method of determining how much water to use, it works every time.
what kind of rice are you cooking?
Couple sprays of WD40 should do the trick
Invest in a cheap rice cooker. They take out all of the guesswork
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
Sputnik1337 posted...
what kind of rice are you cooking?


I use long rice for non sticky, and jasmine for sticky.
09/18/2023 - Wife is in remission!! F Cancer!!
Wash (rinse and drain, using your hand to agitate the water) your rice with cold water 3 times, or until water runs clear. Fill pan with rice already in with water, putting your finger into the pot. Once the water rises against your first knuckle near the tip of your finger, turn off the water. Heat over high until boiling, then cover and switch heat to medium for 10 minutes, medium low for 5 minutes, and turn heat off for last five minutes. Remove from heat.
Current Events » How do you cook rice that isn't overcooked or sticky?