Rare disorder causes man to see people's faces as ''demonic''

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DementedDurian posted...
Over a year ago, I dreamed that I met a very powerful succubus who was looking for a good time. She radiated her sexual prowess as an aura and climbed onto my back saying how much fun we were going to have. I woke up before the act and yelled "no" as soon as I realized what happened.

A week later, I'm dreaming of a school setting and a young woman appeared in my dream where she was being called a demon by some people in class. I ask her why she here and she asked for sex. I agreed and we did it. She turned out to be a novice who wanted my virtue as a tally and it wasn't fun at all.

I've yet to see one since.

Oh dreams, I have met so many in demons in dreams, heck I even met God and the devil at least once each. Sadly I usually wake up too quickly.