Rare disorder causes man to see people's faces as ''demonic''

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ClayGuida posted...
The stretching I get, our perception can be wonky, but adding wrinkles/gills? That seems weird as shit.

Not sure if this is related in this case too, but I have read a book about the blind spot in the human eye, and how it works for people with very big of such blind spots, and it's crazy.

The brain can be very effective in filling some stuff on it's own, to fill some pattern.

elysdeon posted...
Kind of reminds me of the visual novel Saya no Uta. I can't say I would necessarily "recommend" it (some material is highly questionable at best in it) but it's definitely memorable!

Nothing beats reading Saya no Uta, at 2 AM in the dark, in one sitting.

I will never do it again. "Highly Questionable" content or not, that's horror done right, and there is a reason why it is a "classic" and the VN with the most votes on vndb.

Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.