Do you need to stop liking stuff that gets you bullied?

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Current Events » Do you need to stop liking stuff that gets you bullied?
There, a simple, opinion-less poll. You happy?
What is the equivalent of taking a shower in an online community?
Once high school ends that does not matter whatsoever. And if its your family bullying you, erase them from your life.
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Bullied ? IRL or online?
I mean Im not gonna bully you but if youre a fedora wearing MLP fan I sure as hell will think youre a weirdo. Some hobbies are just ew.
I dont think this ever came up. I have known people who dont have the same preferences for stuff but I dont think Ive ever been bullied over it.
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
No, but if your behavior revolving that interest is off putting or anti social, should probably check that behavior.

Also lol @ bullying past high school.
Peace Love Dope
Blue_Dream87 posted...
No, but if your behavior revolving that interest is off putting or anti social, should probably check that behavior.

Also lol @ bullying past high school.

I had someone antagonize and patronize me when I was working at a shutter factory in my early college years.
What is the equivalent of taking a shower in an online community?
One of the worst mistakes I ever made was caring if my interests were cool
More to do with the humidity than heat
boomgetchopped3 posted...
One of the worst mistakes I ever made was caring if my interests were cool

Maybe so but the mental anguish of knowing your hobbies are making you unwelcome in the social circle has to play into it somehow.

No one wants to be the only person who feels like they care about something.
What is the equivalent of taking a shower in an online community?
What hobbies make you unwelcome in your social circle? If it's a hobby like knitting, that's a problem with your social circle and you should make new friends. If it's a hobby like kicking puppies, that's a you problem.
Be more well-rounded and be able to talk about things that other people like. You're allowed to have your own interests, just don't make them the center of your life. Usually people who are bullied about their interests are very forward with those interests, or assuming that other people understand (or want to understand) their core hobbies. It's cool for people to like different things, just have something you can talk about to people that don't share your core hobbies.
CE Mafia Archive
Zwijn posted...
I mean Im not gonna bully you but if youre a fedora wearing MLP fan I sure as hell will think youre a weirdo. Some hobbies are just ew.

None of this is good, Vector. That's why it's called "a Sonic game." - Knuckles the Echidna
What is the equivalent of taking a shower in an online community?
That depends entirely what the stuff is.

If your hobbies include, for example, torturing animals, you should stop.
if your hobby is your whole personality, you should probably expand and/or gain some understanding of why your hobby is repelling people.

But if someone is just being an asshole to you because they're an asshole, that's a them problem and usually reflective or indicative of them being insecure in their own interests or hobbies
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Im 31 and married. If someone tries to bully me at this age I tell them to blow it out their ass.
He's all alone through the day and night.
Solid_Sonic posted...
I didnt get an answer
Current Events » Do you need to stop liking stuff that gets you bullied?