Dragon's Dogma 2 is the definition of jumping the shark

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im having more fun w/ sorc this time around. ofc i miss feeling all powerful like in DD:DA but it is now much quicker to cast mid-tier spells in a row so there is more action!!!! ill probably get burnt out by the 100 hour mark tho. feels like that type of game for me

im gaming on a pc built in 2018. it has a 9900k and 2080ti. playing at 4k dlss performance mode (rendering at 1080p basically even vram usage is the same as native 1080p). raytracing off. most post processing effects off excluding bloom (still a sucker for it). rest of the settings are at like low-mid.
i have sharpened up the image through NVCP. set it at 60%. Looks sharper than native 1080p and native 1440p IMO.

anyway performance in towns/cities = mid 30s to mid 40s. never drops below 30s for sure even during monster battles in the capital. lowering res does not affect performance all that much so bottlenecked by my old cpu.

overworld = mainly mid 50s to 60s range just wandering around. can dip to mid 40s during extensive battles w/ lots of spells being fired off!!
lowering my res will increase fps a bit so it only drops to low 50s but it looks soo much worse that i dont do it lol. i have fps capped at 60 btw it can go a bit higher at times but not worth it for me.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)