Israel/Palestina War XIV - The Big Attack on Rafah?

Current Events

If I hear the talking heads correctly from the attacks on Iran. Israel made hits close to nuclear sites to demonstrate to Iran they know where these sites are.

More finger wagging at West Bank settlers
Treasury department imposes sanctions on two groups for fundraising for Israeli extremists in West Bank
From CNNs Jennifer Hansler, Kylie Atwood and Alex Marquardt
The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on two organizations on Friday for fundraising on behalf of two violent Israeli extremists in the West Bank.
The two groups -- Mount Hebron Fund and Shlom Asiraich established crowdfunding campaigns to raise thousands of dollars for Yinon Levi and David Chai Chasdai respectively. Both of those men were sanctioned by the US in February under a new executive order targeting those perpetrating violence in the West Bank.
At the same time, the State Department on Friday sanctioned Ben-Zion Gopstein, the founder and leader of Lehava, an organization whose members have engaged in violence, including assaults on Palestinian civilians, the Treasury Department said in a statement Friday.
The executive order, issued by President Joe Biden in early February, came amid increased violence in the occupied West Bank in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack. That violence has only continued in subsequent months.
The order angered Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who complained to the administration, calling it inappropriate and highly problematic, according to Axios.

Israel insists troops involved in settler violence will face discipline, after NGO accuses IDF of failing to protect Palestinians
From CNNs Benjamin Brown in London
Israeli soldiers who fail to protect Palestinians from settler violence or take part in such attacks face disciplinary action, the Israeli military told CNN on Friday, in response to a critical report from an international NGO.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) comments came after Human Rights Watch accused the IDF of failing to protect Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from violent attacks by settlers since October 7 and on some occasions taking part in those attacks.
HRW said in its report that such attacks have displaced Palestinians from 20 communities and entirely uprooted at least seven communities.
The IDF said that its mission was to maintain the security of all residents of the area, and to act to prevent terrorism and activities that endanger the citizens of the State of Israel.
If Israeli citizens break the law, the Israeli police are responsible for arresting and charging them, the IDF said. The IDF conceded that its troops had witnessed some Israelis attacking Palestinians.