Rec some Skyrim mods plz

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No titty or weird sex mods. Not really my jimmy jam, plus if I need that stimulation I got my fiance.

DarthAragorn posted...
Use the EnaiSaion mods

All of them

masterpug53 posted...
Ordinator (perk overhaul) and Apocalypse (additional magic spells) get my highest recommendation. Enai's other mods are also great, particularly Summermyst (additional enchantment effects), Thunderchild (additional shouts), Sacrilege (vampire overhaul), and Growl (werewolf overhaul).

Assuming these are the same, exactly what I'm looking for thank you!

Fluttershy posted...

this is a combat overhaul mod and i watched him play it and it seems good.

the comment he pinned for this video is a list of his of other combat/mechanics mods.

Nice, combat always seemed a little floaty to me so this could help. Thank you!
Peace Love Dope