US approves 1,800 2k-pound bombs to Israel as Rafah invasion looms

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Current Events » US approves 1,800 2k-pound bombs to Israel as Rafah invasion looms
PraetorXyn posted...
The premise of the question is basically if you criticize Biden at all Trump might win, shame, shame, shame, how would you feel?
This feels familiar.

PraetorXyn posted...
a baseless conclusion he pulled from his ass
There it is.
Post #252 was unavailable or deleted.
Someone makes it too obvious that he support genocide and try his best to prevent Biden to stop funding it.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
PraetorXyn posted...
Dickride harder though.
shockthemonkey posted...
Asking what well do if Trump wins in a topic about what the Biden administration is currently doing is a disingenuous attempt to divert conversation away from the Biden administration and their actions.

I just want to know and it seems like nobody wants to tell me
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
uberl33tpro posted...
Michigan Republican congressman suggests nuking Gaza like Nagasaki and Hiroshima

This should surprise nobody here that Republicans are a bunch of completely unhinged lunatics.

I guarantee you 100% of Republican congressman and Senators would vote to give Israel the green light to nuke Gaza. Gaza will be glassed over with trinitite and vitrified rubble if Trump gets elected. Trump might even order the strike himself, I doubt his poor impulse control could resist the urge to use the nuclear football. "Look at me, my hands are the biggest, if something gets nuked, it's because these hands pushed the button, I'm the toughest!"
Fat fuck has pretty much said he'd glass Gaza the moment he's back in office. He wants to wipe out the Palestinians and he'll brag about how beautiful it was to bomb the hell out of them all while his chuds jerk it to him and the anti-Biden crowd whines and cries about how Biden made them help get the fat fuck elected.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
Shadow_Don posted...
I just want to know and it seems like nobody wants to tell me
People can't see the future.

Most likely all we can do as citizens is protest like you asked earlier.

Hopefully Democrats will see they aren't guaranteed votes and will actually shut down Trump and Israel with the full powers of the Senate and House.
ButteryMales posted...
People can't see the future.

Most likely all we can do as citizens is protest like you asked earlier.

Hopefully Democrats will see they aren't guaranteed votes and will actually shut down Trump and Israel with the full powers of the Senate and House.
Pigs will fly too. Democrats have weaker spines than jellyfish.
Shadow_Don posted...
I just want to know and it seems like nobody wants to tell me

How about you make a thread asking that then instead of trying to deflect in this thread? You know, that tactic that Republicans always use when they know they don't actually have a good counter argument?

I mean really, in a thread saying "Look at this awful thing that's happening right now" and you go all "What about".
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Biden allows genocide by giving Israel weapons, lets vote on the other guy!

The other guy: Only giving them weapons is too little, we need to nuke the hell out of Palestina!!!
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Foppe posted...
Biden allows genocide by giving Israel weapons, lets vote on the other guy!

The other guy: Only giving them weapons is too little, we need to nuke the hell out of Palestina!!!

Who's saying to vote Trump? Or are you just deflecting and using whataboutism?
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Shadow_Don posted...
I want to know what you guys plan on doing if trump wins the presidency.

Why? That's completely the wrong question to be asking here.
Re-open board 261.
andel posted...
you have offered zero alternatives, just mindless complaining and throwing emotional accusations without any substance.
Easy alternative: do not send more weapons. Use the massive leverage America has to pressure Israel into abiding by international human rights.

America has done this in the past. Other countries are doing it now. The Biden administration has previously stated it wanted to put human rights at the center of its foreign policy. It should deliver on that promise.

if your strategy is to attack any polls you don't like as 'fake news' like the trumpers you are signal boosting then there really isn't any meaningful difference between you and the insurrection crowd. linking to a student newspaper isn't a compelling takedown of a poll fyi
Lmao. You're dismissing a long list of reputable polls and choose to cling to the only one with results that are not reproducible by the rest. Textbook example of cherry picking.

The Harvard/Harris' 79% percentage you cited was literally the answer to: " In this conflict do you support more Israel or more Hamas ". Echoing the infamous George Bush quote "either with us or with the terrorists" is not how you do a proper survey. One quick look at the actual questions will show you how it's full of these loaded and double-barreled questions. I'd call it amateur shit but in reality it's willful manipulation of the results.

The article I linked to does a good job in citing its sources and quotes reputable journalistic outlets and statisticians. You're dismissing this as fake news and then accuse me of doing that.


Still waiting on you, or anyone else, to actually prove that sending bombs to Israel is required for Biden to win the presidency.

Whenever I ask this, all I get is misinformation, insults and attempts at derailing the topic. It's telling.
In dentibus anticis frustum magnum spinaciae habes.
@Shadow_Don , I want you to think about the dynamic you're setting up. Your stance appears to be that simply talking about what the Biden admin is doing, not swearing not to vote Trump/third party, not telling other people not to vote/vote Trump/third party, but simply publicly voicing that you think Biden is doing a bad thing shouldn't be done because it could cause Trump to win.

That's not democracy or even politics at that point. That's letting yourself be entirely controlled by fear of the worst aspects of society, and thereby doing their bidding for them. It's completely giving up your power to influence your leaders, or even the idea of it. It's abdicating all moral responsibility. It's locking in that you'll always be stuck with something only slightly better than the worst outcome.

It's abhorrent and I'm not going down that path with you. One day you'll look back and be disgusted at the arguments you've made. I will not be disgusted at what I've done and said because I advocated for innocent life.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Guess its time to start hoarding toilet paper again.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
legendary_zell posted...
@Shadow_Don , I want you to think about the dynamic you're setting up. Your stance appears to be that simply talking about what the Biden admin is doing, not swearing not to vote Trump/third party, not telling other people not to vote/vote Trump/third party, but simply publicly voicing that you think Biden is doing a bad thing shouldn't be done because it could cause Trump to win
What you are saying is true minus the people in this topic who are actually advocating to vote third party or not vote at all.

Those people can vote and will vote. There are people who bring criticism about Biden up and in the same breath advocate for others to vote 3rd party or stay home as "legitimate" ways to help Palestinians. When both options actually do worse harm.
LightningThief posted...
What you are saying is true minus the people in this topic who are actually advocating to vote third party or not vote at all.


I dont know why people are saying I'm doing a non-sequitor when I'm just following up on other peoples comments.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Okay, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't advocate non-voting. I disagree with those that do. I think as understandable as the impulse is, it's dangerous and unproductive. Trump must be defeated at the ballot box because the only way after that will by much less pleasant.

Now can we talk about what the current President is doing, whether it's justifiable, and how we get him to stop for both moral and electoral reasons, each of which are sufficient on their own as a reason?
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Doe posted...
I get where you are coming from, but Rafah and its refugees will probably be rubble before the election. The lives of tens of thousands of people, or an order of magnitude more depending on how long aid is strangleholded and the famine goes on, are on the line now and in the next several months. If pointing out the severity of this is bad for the current administration, then, IDK, maybe they should walk back giving 1800 city-blocks-clearing bombs to a country that wants to level a refugee center with a million people inside.

No you do not get it.

As long as it is just rhetoric say what sounds right to you.

When you do real life, the outcome is the priority.

Like do not do anything that gets Trump elected.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
legendary_zell posted...
Okay, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't advocate non-voting. I disagree with those that do. I think as understandable as the impulse is, it's dangerous and unproductive. Trump must be defeated at the ballot box because the only way after that will by much less pleasant.

Now can we talk about what the current President is doing, whether it's justifiable, and how we get him to stop for both moral and electoral reasons, each of which are sufficient on their own as a reason?
You say that, but again the answer is no if the usuals pop in this topic who are literally advocating to vote 3rd party or stay home.

No, we can't just pretend those people aren't also here too, hence posts addressing that.
I keep reading this as Utah instead of US
LightningThief posted...
No, we can't just pretend those people aren't also here too, hence posts addressing that.

Doubly so if one of those people is a self admitted accelerationist and hamas supporter.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Shadow_Don posted...
Doubly so if one of those people is a self admitted accelerationist and hamas supporter.
Oh no, you found one Hamas supporter on a relatively small online community, who was quickly condemned by everyone and then suspended, guess that makes everything Biden does okay! /s
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Post #275 was unavailable or deleted.
sending jets

Biden administration set to approve $18 billion deal to send fighter jets to Israel
The Biden administration is close to approving the sale of as many as 50 American-made F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion, according to three people familiar with the matter.
The transaction, which would amount to the largest US foreign military sale to Israel since the country went to war with Hamas on October 7, comes as the administration is also expected to notify Congress soon of a large new sale of precision-guided munitions to Israel, the people said.
The new sales of some of the US most sophisticated weaponry underscore the extent to which the US continues to support Israel militarily, even as Biden administration officials criticize Israels operations in Gaza, which have killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October, according to the Gaza Ministry of health.
The sale is likely to be hotly debated in Congress, particularly by members of the presidents party. US weapons sales to Israel have come under intense scrutiny in recent months and Democratic lawmakers have called for restricting military aid to Israel until it allows more humanitarian aid into Gaza and does more to protect civilians there.
Since Hamas attack on Israel in October, which killed over 1,200 Israelis, the United States has made more than 100 foreign military sales to Israel. Most of those have fallen under the specific dollar amount that requires a notification to Congress, an official familiar with the matter previously told CNN.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Why do they need F-15s to fight starving children?
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
SaikyoStyle posted...
Why do they need F-15s to fight starving children?

Hamas might be hiding in the visible rib cages of those children, you don't know.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
SaikyoStyle posted...
Why do they need F-15s to fight starving children?
Might be for Syria and Iran.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
SaikyoStyle posted...
Why do they need F-15s to fight starving children?

Because according to Israel and it's supporters, everyone and everything is Hamas.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
LightningThief posted...
You say that, but again the answer is no if the usuals pop in this topic who are literally advocating to vote 3rd party or stay home.

No, we can't just pretend those people aren't also here too, hence posts addressing that.

So you can't pretend those people (one guy) aren't there, but you can steadfastly and continuously ignore what I'm saying? How convenient.

I'll ask again, can we talk about what Biden is doing in enabling mass starvation, genocide, illegal settlement, and ethnic cleansing? Let's talk about what the President of the United States of America is doing, not what some rando on GameFaqs said.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
SaikyoStyle posted...
Why do they need F-15s to fight starving children?
To defeat the Hamas Air Force, obviously.
"We will end our resilience for bad things." "We have pioneered the fatality rate."
More brilliant insights from Donald Chump
Biden is making it easy for American voters to screw themselves over in the next election by not voting for him. Im still gonna vote for him cause common sense with Republicans, but I can see some less intelligent voters letting their emotions choose for them.
Conducting Horsemen Business
HorsemnBusiness posted...
Biden is making it easy for American voters to screw themselves over in the next election by not voting for him.

Omg. This whole topic.

Biden is the one leading on trying to actually resolve this.

This giving them weapons is a policy that has continued through decades including drump's.

Why is this war even still going on? They have hostages and their actual mantra is to kill ALL jews. Not israel.

Yes the civilians are caught in the middle. But the main cause for this continuing is not Biden sending weapons....or Israel attempting genocide.

A cease fire does what? Allows for them to regroup and continue. Then it starts again...

I think this war will continue for many years and if drump gets in he will not only suppprt it he will actively send troops to support it. And he will say they deserve to die and people saying other wise....fuck you if i could i would bomb you too. You know what lets force you into the millitary and help or be jailed.or maybe your children.
No matter how gaudy you make your is only a facade..
*Obama/Biden/Harris Elected* Hopes Rise..Fears Shatter
Okay Bibi.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
X8Azazel8X posted...
Biden is the one leading on trying to actually resolve this.
By giving Israel bombs?

X8Azazel8X posted...
Why is this war even still going on? They have hostages and their actual mantra is to kill ALL jews. Not israel.
It's not a war.

Hamas is a terrorist organization. Gazans who are mostly women and children don't deserve a genocide for Hamas.
X8Azazel8X posted...
Biden is the one leading on trying to actually resolve this. This giving them weapons is a policy that has continued through decades including drump's.

You instantly contradicted yourself. The way for him to try to actually resolve this would be not to continue that policy. "We've always done it" isn't an excuse.

X8Azazel8X posted...
Why is this war even still going on?

Because Israel's government wants to ethnically cleanse Palestine. It's not more complicated than that.

X8Azazel8X posted...
Yes the civilians are caught in the middle.

They're not "caught in the middle", Israel is deliberately targeting them.

X8Azazel8X posted...
A cease fire does what?

The clue's in the word.
Re-open board 261.
ButteryMales posted...
By giving Israel bombs?

Yeah cause that is the only thing in the news biden is doing in any interaction with isreal. I think you can answer this yourself since you seem to be following so closley.
ButteryMales posted...
It's not a war.

Hamas is a terrorist organization. Gazans who are mostly women and children don't deserve a genocide for Hamas.

Hamas has control over the area. The reason you know the casualty number is from thier ministry of health. They dint see themselves as just another terrorist organization. They raped killes and took hostages to in their own words start a war.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
You instantly contradicted yourself. The way for him to try to actually resolve this would be not to continue that policy. "We've always done it" isn't an excuse.

He isnt the only one involved. Its not a contradiction to give them weapons while trying to negotiate a cease fire. Especially when one side is holding hostages.

Thanatos_the_Great posted...
Because Israel's government wants to ethnically cleanse Palestine. It's not more complicated than that.

Oh so it was isreal that started the conflict is what you are saying? Explain how this started exactly. Explain why its still going on with specifics not generality.

And which side's matra is it to kill all of the other side including citizens? Which side is willing to rape and kidnap the other's children?

Thanatos_the_Great posted...
They're not "caught in the middle", Israel is deliberately targeting them.

Thanatos_the_Great posted...
The clue's in the word.

Oh is there a clue about whether one side will continue to rape murder and kidnap more after it, and pledges to do so?
No matter how gaudy you make your is only a facade..
*Obama/Biden/Harris Elected* Hopes Rise..Fears Shatter
Dang, dude just found out about the Israel/Palestinian conflict today and is already the best at spouting off all the best propaganda he read off of his Facebook feed.
Sigs are for losers.

Yeah looks like Drumps pick to handle the war might be this guy...

But fuck biden right?
No matter how gaudy you make your is only a facade..
*Obama/Biden/Harris Elected* Hopes Rise..Fears Shatter
X8Azazel8X posted...
Yeah cause that is the only thing in the news biden is doing in any interaction with isreal. I think you can answer this yourself since you seem to be following so closley.
He's also giving Israel fighter jets.

X8Azazel8X posted...
Hamas has control over the area. The reason you know the casualty number is from thier ministry of health. They dint see themselves as just another terrorist organization. They raped killes and took hostages to in their own words start a war.
They're not the only terrorist group that has territory. That's also not a reason to genocide and starve children. You keep calling a genocide a war to justify the killing of children.

X8Azazel8X posted...
He isnt the only one involved. Its not a contradiction to give them weapons while trying to negotiate a cease fire. Especially when one side is holding hostages.
A moderator handing a bomb to one side is a shitty negotiator. Even if Hamas was a government like Iran or Qatar, why would they trust the U.S. negotiations?
X8Azazel8X posted...

Yeah looks like Drumps pick to handle the war might be this guy...

But fuck biden right?

I mean, that doesnt mean Biden gets the leeway. Also, fuck that Michigan guy too.
Fire Emblem Heroes: 1691818076 Target: Get all Celicas to +10
Yugioh Master Duels ID: 929-965-925 Genshin Impact UID: Lol, not putting it on my signature
X8Azazel8X posted...
Oh so it was isreal that started the conflict is what you are saying? Explain how this started exactly. Explain why its still going on with specifics not generality.

And which side's matra is it to kill all of the other side including citizens? Which side is willing to rape and kidnap the other's children? think this started Oct 7?
Do you know how the Israeli prison system works? They take random Palestina, children as old alike, and put them in prison with no charge. Then they beat them up, let them freeze at night and give not enough food so people starve to death.
The released Hamas hostages had it better than the kidnapped children in Israel prisons.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
X8Azazel8X posted...
He isnt the only one involved.

He's the one who makes the decision on whether Israel continues to get American weapons and money.

X8Azazel8X posted...
Its not a contradiction to give them weapons while trying to negotiate a cease fire.

Of course it is. How much more contradictory could you get?

X8Azazel8X posted...
Especially when one side is holding hostages.

Both sides are holding hostages, Israel just calls its hostages something else.

X8Azazel8X posted...
Oh so it was isreal that started the conflict is what you are saying? Explain how this started exactly.

When Israel invaded and occupied Gaza in 1967.

X8Azazel8X posted...
And which side's matra is it to kill all of the other side including citizens?

The Israeli government's.
Re-open board 261.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
Both sides are holding hostages, Israel just calls its hostages something else.
Do you think the majority of Israel prisoners are random innocent people they locked up?
haters gonna hate
emblem-man posted...
Do you think the majority of Israel prisoners are random innocent people they locked up?
We know they just grab people. even kids, and lock them up without charges..

After seeing how indiscriminately they target noncombatants why would you sxpect that to be any better?
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
emblem-man posted...
Do you think the majority of Israel prisoners are random innocent people they locked up?
The majority of Palestinian prisoners held in prison by Israel? Yes.

The measures it applies, combining elements of colonial administration and martial law, cover not only incidents involving recourse to violence but many other activities, non-violent protests, political and cultural statements and the way Palestinians are allowed to move or associate with each other.

Some of the problematic facets of the system Palestinian prisoners are subject to are, according to sociology professor Lisa Hajjar; prolonged detention of suspects incommunicado, impeding a client's access to his lawyer, the routine use of coercion under interrogation to obtain confessions and the introduction of "secret evidence".

According to Red Cross statistics, in the first two decades of the occupation, from 1967 to 1987, one in three Palestinians, about 500,000, were detained by Israeli forces, and on any given day the courts would be crammed with "children in handcuffs, women pleading with soldiers, anxious people thronging lawyers for information." After the Oslo Accords, courts in Palestinian towns were withdrawn to Area C, causing greater difficulty for lawyers and family of the defendant to get access to the tribunals because of the permit system.

For the decade from 2000 to 2009 it was estimated that at any one time anywhere between 600 and 1,000 Palestinians were subjected annually to administrative detention. Amnesty International stated that in 2017 Israeli authorities continue to adopt administrative detention rather than criminal prosecution to detain "hundreds of Palestinians, including children, civil society leaders and NGOworkers, without charge or trial under renewable orders, based on information withheld from detainees and their lawyers", and that administrative detainees numbered 441.

Amnesty International has stated that Israel has imprisoned Palestinians for prolonged periods, without charging them or putting them on trial. Israel has said that detention without trial is a necessary security measure used to avoid exposing confidential information in trials. The European Union has criticized the policy. Within the West Bank, any local army commander can issue an administrative detention order, and the order can be appealed at the local military court, or, if denied there, at the Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court almost never intervenes.

2023 report by Save the Children found widespread use of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse against Palestinian children in Israeli military detention. The report found that among detained children, 86% were beaten, 69% were strip searched, 60% spent time in solitary confinement, 68% were denied any healthcare, and 58% were denied visits or communication with family.
It is an apartheid state. That is what they do.
> "As of April 2024 Israel holds 2,071 sentenced prisoners, 2,731 remand detainees and 3,661 administrative detainees held without trial. Israel also holds 849 people as 'unlawful combatants'".

> "The data does not include laborers from the Gaza Strip and others who were in Israel lawfully with permits on the eve of the Hamas attack on Israeli communities on October 7, 2023, following which, Israel cancelled all permits for Gaza residents and has held these people, reportedly numbering over 4,000 as of late October 2023 , in Anatot and Ofer military camps."

source :

In case anyone's wondering: administrative detention is just what hostage-taking is called when a state actor does it. It's detention without charge or trial that can be renewed indefinitely. Human Rights organizations have documented widespread use of torture and humiliation on these prisoners:

source :
In dentibus anticis frustum magnum spinaciae habes.
ButteryMales posted...
He's also giving Israel fighter jets.

I think hes done more than give them weapons.....maybe you should look harder....
ButteryMales posted...
They're not the only terrorist group that has territory. That's also not a reason to genocide and starve children. You keep calling a genocide a war to justify the killing of children.

Oh...and do these organizations regularly post their own casualties and have a ministry of health for the whole world to use as a reference for their numbers? Were they voted in at any point to run gaza?
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
Of course it is. How much more contradictory could you get?

How much more? I dunno how about when one side doesnt have hostages?

Thanatos_the_Great posted...
Both sides are holding hostages, Israel just calls its hostages something else.

Oh were these among the people they raped murdered and kidnapped though indiscriminately including ones from several other countries that have nothing to do with it?
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
When Israel invaded and occupied Gaza in 1967.

Lol okay yeah your history book is going to be very accurate with that. There was no violence against jews before that right? They had no reason to migrate from any other area where they were or any agreements where they held any land?

Thanatos_the_Great posted...
The Israeli government's.


I seem to remember hamas saying kill all the jews though. I guess they get a pass for that and all the rape and muder and kidnapping of other nations that aren't involved though in your history book....convenient and conquering heros as they are in your version.

We need more heros who rape muder and kidnap in comics too. Just to give it more realism.
No matter how gaudy you make your is only a facade..
*Obama/Biden/Harris Elected* Hopes Rise..Fears Shatter
Current Events » US approves 1,800 2k-pound bombs to Israel as Rafah invasion looms
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