So it safe to discuss video game cheating here?

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Current Events » So it safe to discuss video game cheating here?
Asking for a friend. >___>
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
not multiplayer cheating, no. single player modding and cheating go crazy

edit: obviously you could complain about other people cheating, i mean you cant share multiplayer cheating software and also if you cheat at online games you are not fully human
Cheating on a video game with another video game is looked down upon here
god i hate cheaters so much in siege

it got better when they updated the anti-cheat but it seems to be getting worse again.

like, I suck but i just try to play the game, not decide i have to become a god and then get caught and have to buy the game again
Marching on in deathly silence, upon the shores we go.
Crashing tides applaud the violence, upon the shores we go.
It has to do with Pokmon Go BTW. <__<
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Robot2600 posted...
not multiplayer cheating, no. single player modding and cheating go crazy

It's against the ToS to say you picked Oddjob?
FortuneCookie posted...
It's against the ToS to say you picked Oddjob?
That's against the Geneva Conventions.
FortuneCookie posted...
It's against the ToS to say you picked Oddjob?
I loved the old Madden cheats on PS2 and N64.
Insert some witty line here
there's a timeline in which even mentioning the existence of the konami code gets you banned for cheating
I talk about using gameshark and game genie all the time. Never been modded for it.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
As long as it's not against a player avoiding usage of cheats themselves?

I'd say just view it as Kirk Prime's handling of the Kobayashi Maru.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
Cheating in single player games is fine in my book. Doing it in multiplayer is absolutely wrong though. I've cheated in Remnant 2 but it was always offline and by myself.
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
VeggetaX posted...
I talk about using gameshark and game genie all the time. Never been modded for it.
Yeah, that would be silly since this site hosts Gameshark codes for some games. That type of cheating has always been ok here as far as I know.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
And while I have improved on say Mega Man (The first game) since I was a kid, yeah sometimes I default to using the pause/select trick on Yellow Devil.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
As others have said it's okay to talk about cheating in single player but not in any sort of competitive multiplayer.

I'm honestly not sure about Pokmon go but I would assume that depends on if you're cheating competitively or would ruin the game for others.
I do drawings and stuff
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Exploits sometimes allowed even if they're multiplayer
Basically if the cheating is provided by a 3rd party tools, it's not allowed.

For single player it's allowed, but there's always some snobs who complained.
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Current Events » So it safe to discuss video game cheating here?