What is something that you just don't get...

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LonelyStoner posted...
I dont think its hating to say that some of the most recent Pokemon games werent as good as they shouldve been, what with the Switchs capabilities. Most Pokemon fans wanted a more immersive, 3D Pokemon experience. Its more so the way games like Legends of Arceus were handled.
Theres people saying they want Pokmon to have a really deep story. Same, me too but when has Pokmon ever had an outstanding story or anything besides sun and moon and black and white gens? Then theres people complaining about gameplay its not even changed much besides the story difficulty being on the easier side for games past gen 6 I see its kinda valid tbh. The graphics are bad yeah but Pokmons graphics have been pixels for the mainline gens before 6 and the gens after are still decent looking for the console they are on maybe a bit below though.
What Im saying is Pokmon has never been this outstanding series its always been great but not outstanding Ive replayed the games a lot but I found myself enjoying other rpgs more
I am a mess and Felicia is the cleaner....