The end of Peak TV has put most TV Writers on the verge of extinction.

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Current Events » The end of Peak TV has put most TV Writers on the verge of extinction.

No matter how much you think TV has become to " Woke" or " lazy" Very few will be happy if it completely devolves into reality shows and cop shows...streaming really is on the verge of shattering the entertainment business for the worst all so those on the top can get rich at the cost of everyone else.
Most Americans will move to foreign shows lol
Aloc will now post in PG or try
Most of my tv watching is this channel that just runs tv shows from the 70s and 80s I grew up on. I watch a lot of that. Pretty much all my tv watching is reruns of previous shows I have liked. Along with movies and documentaries.
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60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Aloc posted...
Most Americans will move to foreign shows lol
I've pretty much moved to anime and they're producing around 40 shows a season these days so I'm not sure where all the demand for us shows has gone?
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Part of the problem is so many shows get canceled after 1 season. Many people just don't bother to get invested in a new show until it's at least in season 2 or further
Current Events » The end of Peak TV has put most TV Writers on the verge of extinction.