Is it normal for the company name and salary to be hidden on a job listing?

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BlazinBlue88 posted...
There's a small island of good recruiters in a sea of shitty ones. I still get emails from the terrible ones saying to the effect of "I see you have 14 years in IT and currently build out cloud infrastructure while living on the East coast. How would you like to move to the west coast for a 6 month contractor lvl 1 helpdesk job at $13 an hour?"

This is why I ask for the job listing and salary range up front. I'm not wasting my time on any more of their nonsense.
Yeah I get a few of those occasionally too and just ignore them lol. This was the first one i've responded to, because it was local, and for a pretty specific thing I'd had experience with before. Honestly thought I had a good shot but w/e i guess
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