If trump loses I feel like Republicans will become even more extreme

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Current Events » If trump loses I feel like Republicans will become even more extreme
far too many grifters and right wing media heads make their money pandering to the absolute most extreme now and just because Trump gets his ass kicked again isn't gonna make them stop. So what happens when the bring up someone even more crazy and extremist than Trump to run against Not Biden in 3 years?
A worthless existence
Then we better hope that;
A: The Demokratus got a better candidate and
B: A erica is not stupid enoigh to vote on crazy GOP.
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And then Democrats will run an even more "civility and unity" candidate and everyone will shocked Pikachu face as more and more ground is given to the right
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
If Trump wins , that will make them more extreme. All of their lies and wanton criminality would have worked.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
so we need to never let them in power ever again, and eventually have the party die out. Ban it if needed
I'm thinking the opposite will happen. Show them their god is only a man.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Another concern is that once Trump loses I feel like a lot of people will stop paying attention to politics again because it was only Trump they cared about and the media did a piss poor job of explaining that Trump isn't alone in this, Republicans enabled him every step of the way and then some and had 4 opportunities to punish him and instead protected him each and every time and even with personal attacks and threats some still came out and said they'd vote for him again namely Mitch the bitch. Instead, scumbags like Liz Cheney and Jon Bolton get to go on MSNBC, Progressive channels like Mediastouch and so on and get to pretend their beliefs that harm people and de person others are just different ideals and not all that bad compared to MAGA lunacy and fascism never mind that Republicans absolutely want that but without being so overt in it that they can't fool moderates, centralist, independents and the non politically savy into accepting it, these are the same people who once managed to fool people into believing that there was a disease that only affected gay people and as such the rest of the public didn't have to care about it nor the people it was affecting.

We do not need a Republican party in America yet America seems so damn stuck on them even at their absolute lowest there are way too many safety nets for them to jump into without having to change their core beliefs or ideals in anyway, shape or form, if anything, they're allowed to make go further in those beliefs and everyone else has to twist themselves into knots trying to sugar coat them.
A worthless existence
If they lose they'll be more extreme.
If they win they'll be more extreme.

But in only one scenario do they have access to the US military and Nuclear arsenal.... we must fight with every fiber of our beings to assure that scenario never happens again.

We are past the point of trying to change the republicans, all we can do is remove their power. Once they are gone from power completely (from President down to local school boards) we can begin to make positive change to the country
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
Yes, they absolutely will.

The pandemic was the point of no return. I assumed, very wrongly, that after a certain point the grifters and their handlers would at least put the brakes on the anti-vax nonsense because it would risk literally killing off their source of income. But no, they just kept right on going and got hundreds of thousands of them killed. Its still killing them right now.

There is no bottom and nobody is in control. All the people that were in control are either dead or have been drinking their own koolaid too long. The right wing is just a gigantic fraud machine feeding on itself in an endless loop.

Current Events » If trump loses I feel like Republicans will become even more extreme