In 1917, why didn't the guy just run in the back?

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Current Events » In 1917, why didn't the guy just run in the back?

From this picture, he went left and ran while the soldiers ran towards the enemy (also on the left), with the Germans shooting at them (on the left). Why didn't he just go on the right, so that no one will be in his way while he makes that run for it?

[This is not a spoiler, since it's very clearly shown in trailers promoting this movie]
Because then it's just a guy running, with all the action happening off-screen. Not as visually compelling.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
In real trenches the back would of had a high support to help camouflage soldiers peeking over. This would of made it very hard to climb over where as the front is designed to be climbed quickly.

They don't show this in the movie.
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Hannibal Barca
I vaguely recall that he didnt have much time to get the message delivered and that was the shortest way to get there.
Hospy posted...
I vaguely recall that he didnt have much time to get the message delivered and that was the shortest way to get there.
Running on the left vs. running on the right is the same... except for this fact that wasn't shown in the movie, which makes sense why he went left:

havean776 posted...
In real trenches the back would of had a high support to help camouflage soldiers peeking over. This would of made it very hard to climb over where as the front is designed to be climbed quickly.
The trenches dont necessarily run in straight lines. Its been awhile since Ive watched the movie but I vaguely recall him asking where to go and being told the command post is more toward the enemy line relative to where he is. In such a case if he were to go via the rear itd be a longer path.
Wasn't the trench shown to be curved, and the backside would've been longer? He was in a hurry to get to the command post to stop an ongoing attack, and in front was the straight line to avoid the clog of troops.

Also, come to think if it, there were probably rear trenches and staging grounds full of cluttered troops and supplies that would've slowed him down, too.

Most importantly, it allowed for a visually dynamic shot.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Trenches aren't straight
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
IdiotMachine posted...
From this picture, he went left and ran while the soldiers ran towards the enemy (also on the left), with the Germans shooting at them (on the left). Why didn't he just go on the right, so that no one will be in his way while he makes that run for it?
Do you not remember the whole point of the movie? He was trying to cut through to STOP those soldiers from charging, not lag behind and let them all run to their deaths.
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Current Events » In 1917, why didn't the guy just run in the back?