Have you ever actually seen a full Anita Sarkeesian video?

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Error1355 posted...
...Gamergate literally started because of some game dev's ex-boyfriend got upset over their breakup and decided to write a lengthy over sharing blog damning a female game dev as a person sleeping around to get good game reviews (which wasn't even true). While there are actual issues with game devs and games 'journalism', the issue is more that the majority of games journalism works as a fucking PR branch just re-publishing trailers and press statements.

Most people didn't know exactly how it started though, you'd see people complaining about games journalism and like I said, on the surface it seemed reasonable since as you saying there are real issues with games journalism. The second you dig into it more you see it for what it actually was though.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.