Arizona Supreme Court votes to uphold states 1864 abortion ban. Voters this...

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Last year I was living in a state with a total abortion ban, and it had some pretty serious consequences for me.

I wasnt preggo or seeking an abortion- all I needed was someone to treat a UTI. Which is a simple problem that can be treated with antibiotics that Id usually get at a quick visit with Planned Parenthood.

But since the state I was in banned abortions, they also shut down/burned down the Planned Parenthood clinics. So I deferred treatment hoping itd get better, since I didnt have health insurance and couldnt afford an UC or ER. So I just hoped itd work itself out..

It didnt work itself out. Fast forward a week and the UTI worsened to the point where it was turning into sepsis. Went to UC, spent 5 hours there to be told they couldnt do anything and to drink cranberry juice. Next day I had to literally be carried into the ER because I couldnt stand; I stayed overnight because I was very close to going into septic shock.

Hospital bill was over $2500. The antibiotics from Planned Parenthood wouldve been under $50.

Abortion bans affect womens health care in ways many wouldnt expect.
in a constant state of confusion