Favorite game in the The Disney Afternoon Collection?

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Current Events » Favorite game in the The Disney Afternoon Collection?
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Messing around with this. I remember neighbor kids having a few of these, didn't own them myself
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these are hard
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There was more Disney afternoon games than this. I wish they included them all
currently went through talespin and darkwing duck, they were pretty fun. going through chip n dale and eh. saving ducktales for last.

Disclaimer: There's a good chance the above post could be sarcasm.
Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Pinocchio and Jungle Book received video game adaptations, but not Robin Hood. TaleSpin and Marsupilami received video game adaptations, but not Adventures of the Gummi Bears.

There's no justice when it comes to adaptations of Disney properties, no justice at all.

Its really close between chip n dale rescue rangers and darkwing duck.

Darkwing duck just got that fun mega man engine gameplay and doing rail grappling years before X5 did it, but chip n' dale is peak co-op gaming and busting your friend or sibling upside the head with a crate for a laugh.

Going to go with chip n dale overall.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
as a kid I always liked Rescue Rangers 1
Surprised Im the only Darkwing vote. Expected Ducktales and Chip n Dale to be the leaders, but Darkwing has some solid Mega Man vibes to it.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
Probably Darkwing Duck . Despite being a "Mega Man clone", it was consistent fun for me left and right.

I still enjoyed DuckTales (and its sequel) for what it was, but I prefer DuckTales: Remastered .
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Please be good, Fantasy Life i...!
FortuneCookie posted...
Pinocchio and Jungle Book received video game adaptations, but not Robin Hood. TaleSpin and Marsupilami received video game adaptations, but not Adventures of the Gummi Bears.

There's no justice when it comes to adaptations of Disney properties, no justice at all.

The sad part is that Robin Hood did get an adaption.

GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Darkwing Duck, with Duck Tales very close behind.

DD is one of the better Mega Man games on the NES.
Current Events » Favorite game in the The Disney Afternoon Collection?