Any other Linux users on CE?

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DaxNovalis posted...
How about mods? Are they easy to install and manage? I love modding games on PC, so that would be a big one for me.
Therein lies the rub, and it's the main reason I don't run Linux on my gaming PC.

The games themselves basically work fine. It's all the stuff around gaming that's a hassle. You can get mod managers, save editors, cheat engines, trainers, etc., to work on Linux, but Steam isn't going to just handle it for you. Often that means setting up WINE bottles manually. For the Vortex mod manager, I think if you want the "install using mod manager" links to work, you have to create a MIME type association to teach it to redirect those links to your Vortex running through WINE, but it is possible. Granted, this is real first world problems, as before mod managers we had to install mods manually and that's no harder on Linux than it is on Windows.

I have heard that Mod Organizer (the best one to use for Bethesda games) is problematic and may not fully work, but I've never attempted it.

You can find tutorials for all this, and once you have it setup stuff should mostly just work, but I can't be arsed. So I run Windows on my desktop, and Linux on most everything else (though I do have an old MacBook Air running macOS as my only personal laptop that basically collects dust).

There are other edge cases where you will have problems. For example, the HDMI consortium basically won't allow high refresh rates over HDMI on Linux because that relies on their proprietary crap. Also, if you pay for the 4K plan from Netflix, nothing really tells you that you'll only get 4K on Windows using Chromium browsers because of DRM:

So if you're going to build a HTPC or build a gaming PC and connect it to your TV, you may want to consider Windows for those reasons, though I think a Linux PC connected to the TV with DisplayPort and a DisplayPort to HDMI adapter will do high refresh rates just fine if memory serves.