What have I got you tagged as?

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totalnerdken posted...
What's the issue you didn't like?

And I'm kind of surprised he never got in trouble. I had a few users (or possibly one user with multiple accounts, idk) follow me around at various times harassing me. I blocked them and my experience here was better for it. I think they're all banned now.

Oh well, happy to hear he's not bothering you anymore. Hopefully it stays that way.

I'm not sure if it has changed since then but when blocked users post on a topic you're in it could cause some confusion at times. As in who is replying to who.

Funny you mention that though because someone asked me that at the time. This dude had a mini spat with everyone at the board it started at. Then when the person who asked me why don't I block him, then blocked him themselves, they said to me LOL you are right. It can somewhat get confusing if a conversation is going on including a blocked person.

That board is known for being "aggressive" amongst the handful of users even though truth be told it was really just one guy. A different guy than the one I am talking about. The type of guy who even though has been posting on the same board as you for YEARS is just as quick to call you a moron for disagreeing about video game stuff as he would be day 1. I mean, IDK about you all but if I've been posting on a board with someone for 5 years I am not going to have a meltdown if that person disagrees with me. Thats just weird. That guy would do that to everyone though so therefore that board has a rep. So our "mod" was letting it go for the most part I believe. I didn't explain the mod thing. Guess Iwill include that.

What started the whole thing with the guy I tagged is he followed ANOTHER person into a different thread to argue. I pointed that out and wow for some reason that guy became OBSESSED with me after that.

The thing is that board had a user as a regular, who then became a mod. I am unsure if they maintained full lurk status of that board because I was honestly like.....cmon, any day now they're going to do something. It was like half of a year of this nonsense when they finally modded us but I lost no karma. IDK about him.