Imagine this idea for a Larian star wars rpg

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Current Events » Imagine this idea for a Larian star wars rpg
Knights of the Force is the name

Story is set thousands of years before Knights of the Old Republic, back before the Republic ever even existed. And before the Jedi Order was founded. You play on a pre space exploration world. Equal to medieval Europe in its society and development. There are no lightsabers. But some people are born with strange powers. And you form a party of adventurers with a mix of Force Sensitive people and non Force Sensitive. Turn based combat like Baldurs Gate 3. Story could be about a dark side Force Sensitive trying to take over the planet or something
Sounds interesting. I'd play a Larian star wars game.
I'd prefer Larian work in an IP that allows them some freedom.

Even in a relatively untouched era, you know they'd have their hands tied to hell regarding story beats and the wider universe.
Current Events » Imagine this idea for a Larian star wars rpg