LMAO How dumb do you have to close CE AND ban horny posting

Current Events

Consider this common scenario:

You are a typical 14 year old girl who has just come home from cheerleading practice. You immediately log onto your favorite site, fandom.gamefaqs.gamespot.com. Like most girls your age, you are struggling to achieve 100% completion on your favorite game, Hado no Bado no Sado IV: Shingo Dingo // F.I.N.A.L. CuT on the Turbografx 16.

While you are waiting for your PC to load up all the ASCII art from SuperSephiroth1985's guide, you decide to log into your favorite online community, Current Events, to see what all your late 30s male friends are up to. Suddenly, you see an image that makes your blood run cold - a busty woman in a bikini. You immediately feel unsafe and begin locking the doors and windows to your home. You grab your loaded revolver and decide you have no choice but to wait it out. This is what is at stake here.