No charges for Los Angeles officer who shot and killed teen in dressing room

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Every officer involved shooting that results in someone's death should skip the "do we file charges?" phase and proceed straight to the officer in the court being arraigned on charges of criminally negligent homicide at a bare minimum.

They can defend it in court. Transparently.

Charges never being filed in these instances is a massive part of why there's no trust in the process or in the justice system. It sets a lower bar for accountability than if a normal citizen was responsible for a death in the exact same manner.

If it's as clear cut as the police always say it is, then the officer should have the charges dismissed rapidly and without prejudice. Or they should be found not guilty in the course of a trial. And everything at that trial should be open, public record stuff you don't even need to FOIA.

But none of this "we investigated ourselves, and we're not even going to pretend we're accountable" garbage. I'm so very done with that idea.

"We need to update training policies," is also woefully inadequate when your policies, I guess , don't even cover basic firearms safety rules that everyone who picks up a gun should be told? How is this not day one stuff at the academy with the cadet being issued his sidearm the first time?

Personal opinion? He needs at least the following before evidence does or doesn't clear him publicly.

Criminally negligent homicide
Reckless disregard
Depraved indifference

And that's for firing blind at a target he couldn't confirm, nor for confirming his field of fire was clear before discharging his weapon.

Bullshit "finding" on the part of LA, CA AG, and the DOJ.

And people wonder why cops have a bad reputation...
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