No charges for Los Angeles officer who shot and killed teen in dressing room

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BDSMKane posted...
Im trying to understand the situation. So was the assailant armed? If so, with what? The cop who fired, I saw in the body cam he fired three shots at the suspect. So one of them missed, hit the wall, went through, and killed the girl on the other side? Im not sure Ive ever given a cop the benefit of the doubtbut if he was trying to stop an armed assailant and didnt know there was anyone on the other side of the wallI dont know.

Im still down for disarming the average cop, but if the one with the rifle was part of a tactical response unitthat wouldnt help much. This definitely isnt your average case of reckless cop shoots kid though. Without the freeze frame pointing out the dressing room wall, Im not sure I would have noticed it. Then again, from the body cam dialogue, the cop did seem too eager to lead the charge with the rifle, so Im not quite sure what was going on.

Who was he and why did he have the rifle?
If anyone else shot recklessly and killed someone behind a wall they would 1000% be charged for it regardless. This piece of shit should be in prison.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.