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Villain_S_Fiend posted...
There are RS albums I like, but even their best albums contain a lot of chaff (of the ones you named, Exile is the guiltiest). I'll put on Sticky Fingers and I'm inevitably drawn to skip around for my favorites.

Zeppelin's albums contain comparatively little chaff, imo. I'll put on Presence (probably the album of theirs that comes to mind least often) and I'm good - it can just play and no song beckons me to hit "next."

RS: mediocre-to-good albums, handful of great songs

LZ: great albums, handful of mediocre-to-good songs

Zeppelin consciously styled themselves as an 'albums' band. They never released a single in the UK.

The Stones were from an era where hit singles were the measure of a band.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.