Your music hot takes.

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MANIA is the best post-hiatus Fall Out Boy album

Hail to the Thief is, like, the second best Radiohead album

Taylor Swift is a generally fine listen even if I don't adore her but Midnights kinda blows

Nickelback is fine if you just listen to the singles. Not amazing but fine. Having listened to all the records, it feels like it ends up being lukewarm grungy sludge oatmeal being poured into my ears. I'm not saying every Nickleback song ever sounds like that but Nickleback are not a hidden gem by any means

Also 90% of Twenty One Pilots music blows
Not changing this part until Saki Amamiya (or Isa Jo) gets into Smash as a playable character
Now watching: Urusei Yatsura 2022 S2, Evangelion