Unpopular opinion: CE being quarantined prevents much harm. I've changed my mind

Current Events

At first, I was one of the many who protested the decision to seal off CE forever. It seemed as arbitrary as the closure of the Politics board, and I thought that meant the downfall of this site. But to be honest, the downfall of this site began many years ago. I hate to say it, but GameFAQs does seem to attract a lot of trouble that would be better off never existing. I'm not just talking about things like the Missouri church burning or the Sydney gang rapes. There's even worse things like this:


That actually happened on RI, but close enough. Basically, their plot to commit a deadly mall mass shooting was foiled only by happenstance. The world is better off with terrorist attacks like that never happening. Imagine forever losing the lives of your family members due to somebody's selfish decisions like that. This was only narrowly averted. Yes, I do believe that CE should remain open, but I also believe that human life is more important and valuable. In my opinion, the quarantining of CE is but a small price to pay for something like the Halifax mass shooting to never have been planned.
http://i.imgur.com/5ldCA.gif http://i.imgur.com/tvXx8Bh.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/nAJVH.png https://i.imgur.com/H5jMv6k.jpg