Guy at the bar hit me with a new conspiracy theory I'd never heard before

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buddhamonster posted...

Edit: To expand on this just a bit, looking it up, it appears as though the "rich people" in question were John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus,and they did supposedly die on the ship. So if there was a real conspiracy to sink the ship and it was about specifically eliminating those people... they did succeed!

There's a few of them out there though. There was one where they pulled the old switcharoo with its sister ship, another where it was all about getting the insurance policy, another where they were trying to fuck with the banks or whatever.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that whoever is writing the theory just injects whatever insane belief they have into it, then work backwards to make the pieces fit.
Yeah my favourite one is flat earthers. Why would every goverment pretend the Earth is round.
"So they can get money to pretend to explore space!"
But why wouldn't they explore space just because the Earth was flat?
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca