Why does Fallout being main stream now piss me off?

Current Events

I can only speak for myself, but it annoys me because of how much Fallout just perpetuates bad myths about just how bad nuclear stuff is.

Because unless there is some lore I am missing from just watching people play the games, the world is still mostly a brown wasteland over a hundred years after the nukes fell. Even Chernobyl basically became a wildlife paradise less than 20 years afterwards since it is apparently more detrimental to wildlife to have humans nearby than it is to be in an area made radioactive by the worst single nuclear release in history. The ones that take place in what used to be a desert like Vegas have an excuse because its still a desert.

Also, why have humans literally not rebuilt even 1600s level housing, and still live in the open-to-the-air, bombed out ruins from pre-war like a century after it happened? Although that one is probably just Bethesda being lazy.

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*pounces* Nyaa!