Stellar Blade review embargo is tomorrow, what's the metacritic gonna be?

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s0nicfan posted...
Game reviews just need to go back to having separate scores for graphics, sound, gameplay, controls, etc. if they need to add a special extra number for the writer's personal preferences they can add that to make them feel better, fine.
I think this logic sort of treats the problem as being giving the game an overall score when that's just not the issue. The issue is that gamers have such an unhealthy relationship with their product of choice that they stake their own pride and mental wellbeing on whether the game they want is recognized as being good by others. And they already decide the game is good from the trailers or series name, so if a review contradicts their expectation at all then it becomes a personal insult against that gamer. And that's even putting aside when the culture war angle flares up like with this one.

The only meaning any kind of score has to these people is as either validation for their constructed reality or an assault on their values/childhood/beliefs. Breaking it down into smaller scores won't change how the gamers who get mad about them interpret them.