In case any of you are wondering how former G4TV host Adam Sessler is doing...

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Prestoff posted...
He didn't go off the JK Rowling end, but holy shit it's people like him that conflate anti-semetism with criticizing the Israeli Government. And the only thing I will comment is that there is A LOT of these types in the entertainment industry in general. There is an absolute bias in our media that is more "pro-Israel" than "pro-Palestine". My issue with the "free Palestine" movement is that a lot of the people lack optics like that one girl saying that they're going to murder those politicians in Bakersfield.

Uh, that's more than just an optics problem.

Don't forget you have extremists who proclaim that any action is justified against occupiers, and "occupiers have no rights" We used to have a few people like that on 261; they held a cynical view of history in which major changes in civil rights only occurred after rioting and violent protest or outright massacres (e.g. Haitian independence from slavery.)
In this revisionist view, MLK Jr and Gandhi were completely ineffectual, and it was only the widespread rioting after the death of the former, and the continued widespread political violence in India in the latter case, that brought about the Civil Rights Act/independence for India. They additionally claim that peaceful protesting and even civil disobedience are useless.