Do you remember the first YouTube video you watched?

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Current Events » Do you remember the first YouTube video you watched?
Back in 2005 I think, I stumbled on YouTube I think by accident somehow. And the first video I watched was a fake trailer for "Titanic 2 The Surface"

They spliced a bunch of other movie scenes together to make what looked like a sequel to Titanic. I think the original version I remember got taken down but I once found a copycat video of it. But it wasn't as good
Im pretty sure it was the numa numa guy video.
I think it was a bunch of kids dancing around to the Mortal Kombat theme.
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.
nope but i imagine it was a fail or cat video
Fuck no!

I have been watching Youtube for years so how the fuck am I supposed to remember the first video I watched on it.

I do remember when Youtube had a block list and you could send private messages to other members.
It was one of the Red vs Blue eps, the Red army fighting the Blue army that Sarge and Caboose stumble upon.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
Current Events » Do you remember the first YouTube video you watched?