Does Biden bear any responsibility for people not wanting to vote for him?

Current Events

cjsdowg posted...
Bullshit. I held my nose and voted Biden knowing his Criminal Justice record and we got no criminal justice reform and more funding to the police, and the deadliest year of police killings in 10 years. And a simple question does Biden bear any responsibility for people walking away gets met with this crap. You can't make up stuff to complain about.

Do you think there's a button Biden can push and just fix everything, and he's just not pushing it?

Defunding the police is NOT a popular position in most places. "Defunding the police' scares the shit out of a lot of people. Most people want more funding for the police because they think the police makes them safe. Don't cite statistics on me. Don't tell me "The police don't actually make you more safe!" because it doesn't matter. They make people feel more safe, even if the opposite is true. No amount of statistics is going to change that.

What Biden HAS done for criminal justice reform (and it's going to take a lot):

-Ordered the phasing out of private prisons
-Reducing excessive sentencing especially in drug cases and limiting the application of mandatory minimums
-Created a national database of police misconduct
-Restricted no-knock warrants, and banned chokeholds unless deadly force is authorized
-Created new standards that limits the use of force
-Restricted the transfer of military equipment to police.

There's a lot Biden has done. Could he do more? Absolutely. Should he? Absolutely. But let's not act like he hasn't done anything. Progress is slow. If Trump gets back in office, we'll be undoing most (if not all) of that. Biden can't just click his fingers, and thanos away the problems.